NKG 25 Nordic Gerontology Congress 2021 in Reykjavik – Island
VELKOMMEN til den 25. Nordiske konferanse i Gerontologi som avholdes på Island, Reykjavik, den 2-5 juni 2021. Registrering og mulighet for å sende inn abstrakt er nå åpen.
Informasjon og registrering her!
As previously announced, all accepted abstracts for the 2020 congress from participants keeping their registration will maintain their status and do not need to be resubmitted. We are also very happy to receive new abstracts, with a submission deadline on November 20th 2020. As always, the congress covers a wide spectrum of topics within the field of gerontology, but this time we would also like to especially encourage you to share your experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic from a gerontological perspective.
Viktige datoer
20 September 2020: Registration and call for abstracts opens
20 November 2020: Deadline abstracts symposia
16 December 2020: Notification symposia
31 December 2020: Deadline abstracts oral presentations and posters
3 February 2021: Notification acceptance of abstracts
1 March 2021: End of early-bird registration